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» Einladung Vortrag: Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval from Large Archives
03.05.2018 Alexander Zipf

Einladung Vortrag: Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval from Large Archives

Wir laden alle Interessierten sehr herzlich ein zum kommenden Geoinformatik Kolloqium Vortrag an der Universität Heidelberg:

Titel: Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval from Large Archives

Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Begum Demir (Berlin)
Zeit Mon, May 7 2018,, 2.15 pm 

Ort: INF 348, Room 015 (HS, EG), Heidelberg University, Geographisches Institut


During the last decade, a huge number of earth observation (EO) satellites with optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar sensors onboard have been launched and advances in satellite systems have increased the amount and variety of EO data. This has led to massive EO data archives with huge amount of remote sensing (RS) images, from which retrieving useful information is challenging. In view of that, content based image retrieval (CBIR) has attracted great attention in the RS community. In this talk, a general overview on scientific and practical problems related to RS image characterization, indexing and search from massive archives will be initially discussed. Then, recent developments that can overcome the considered problems will be introduced by focusing on semantic-sensitive hashing based scalable and accurate RS CBIR systems.


Verfasst um 12:43 Uhr

Geändert am: 03.05.2018 12:48

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» Einladung Vortrag: Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval from Large Archives