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» GIScience HD Colloquium: MON 26.03.: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake
25.03.2018 Alexander Zipf

GIScience HD Colloquium: MON 26.03.: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake

Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich zu unserem nächsten offenen GIScience-Kolloquium ein

Der Sprecher ist Dr. Nama Budhathoki
Direktor der Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL), Nepal

Wann: Montag 26.03.2018, 14:00 Uhr

Wo: INF 348, Raum 015 (Geographisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg)

Derzeit arbeiten HeiGIT / GIScience Heidelberg und KLL zusammen, um ein OSM-Analyse-Dashboard zur OSM-Verlaufsanalyse zu entwickeln, um die Situation in Bezug auf die OSM-Datenqualität und ihre Entwicklung in Nepal besser zu verstehen.


Darüber hinaus arbeiten wir gemeinsam an einer Erweiterung des OpenRouteService für das Katastrophenmanagement, um die Integration von mobilen Datenerfassungsansätzen zu ermöglichen. Dies würde eine direkte Einbindung der betroffenen Katastrophengemeinden am Boden und somit eine dynamischere Aktualisierung des Routing-Dienstes in Katastrophenszenarien ermöglichen.



Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake

Information is one of the most critical infrastructures in times of crisis. Since situation on the ground keeps on rapidly changing, traditional model of information collection and access does not fully meet the needs of  response and relief agencies. Taking the example of 2015 Nepal earthquake, the speaker will share an emerging model of information production, sharing and use in times of complex emergencies. Reflecting upon this experience, he will attempt to outline research agendas to minimize the gap between academia research and practitioners’ needs.
Dr. Budhathoki is the Founder and Executive Director of Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL) - a Kathmandu-based not-for-profit company carrying pioneering work in the fields of Open Mapping and civic technology. KLL’s work after the 2015 Nepal earthquakes is considered a leading example of digital humanitarianism and has received extensive coverage in major media outlets such as The New York Times, BBC, The Guardian, Forbes, Wired, MyRepublica, Setopati. Under his leadership, the KLL team has developed Nepal’s OpenStreetMap as one of the most thriving digital communities in the developing countries. Nama led the technology and innovation component of the world’s biggest mobile data collection project for National Reconstruction Authority to help them identify housing beneficiaries and plan the reconstruction work. His team also helped National Planning Commission to open this data for public access and use by developing a web portal. Nama’s team is currently working with several local governments to enhance transparency, accountability and civic engagement though digital technology.

GIScience Research Group Heidelberg University
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology

Verfasst um 13:05 Uhr

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» GIScience HD Colloquium: MON 26.03.: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake